
Monday, April 16, 2012

Masalah Negara : The famous PTPTN

After reading a few articles and honest thoughts from some commentators, I wanna say something might not even be right to say, but I'm gonna say it anyway. Just a few random sayings:
  • The fact of wanting PTPTN to go free is everyone doesn't have to be burden by it. Especially to those whom don't even have the permanent job, or even any job. So, they will be much better off than thinking they got to find some money to live, to get married, buying house and car, other than paying the PTPTN and other debts may be at stake. I know it sounds absurd and nonsense for letting our economically unfavourable government to bear all of our expenses, but I have to be very distinct upon how this government show us, how it really is. I mean, I'll certainly go for it, if there's really a chance that PTPTN will be free for us! And I do believe that for the stories regarding how much our government spent our money for the 'country'. Yes, it's OUR money, and I do aces my mathematics subject. 

  • No, I don't like demos. Because most of the time, they always bring provocations, chaos, and of course, problems! Though I still think it's necessary for some reasons, including our independence for instance. But seriously, witnessing so much bleeding and aching, I don't really think it's a good idea for our very talented students to do. I don't have any better ideas, if that's worrying you about. But again, I really wish we could find something else than every month is another demo to organize. Seriously, people! 

  • They said PTPTN is one thing righteous for the citizen to have from their government. And some people think it would rather include our daily foods, gas, and other millions things that we need for our daily life. Yeah, that's going too far than I expected. Please, the reason why these people throwing out some kind of aggressive demo for free PTPTN is simply for the very true facts about 'rumours' how much expenses spent by someone supposedly exclusive, paid by the money from people. The value that definitely could cover for all the PTPTN payee's loan! Of course, they never asked for their livings to be free at all course. Unless it's possible, no one would ever turn away from it. They actually, even wish to be much helpful if the country need them to. Most of them will. I know it. For one condition, the government must not misuse the money, or them for that matter. Do they? 

  • Where do I know all these facts? I have a few great connections with people who actually read reports and even prepare that kind of report. Much personal than business though. So, I'm not saying this is exactly true. But after all, you can't prove me wrong neither. Don't you?

  • Then, here's another excuse. Students don't really use PTPTN well enough. They used the money for something unnecessary too. New phone, cinemas, weekend entertainment and all that might not be necessary. So, we can't blame our government then, for might misuse the money for some personal reason? Seriously? Okay, I am a PTPTN payee. I make that loan years back, and still can't settle it down. How I spent it years back, for someone who must pay it back, is clearly shouldn't be judged. Why? Because such like other loan, including ones that we make at the bank, it's up to us. As long as, I could still pay it eventually, and most importantly it did cover all that necessary. Until it goes for free, for real, don't give me this point.

  • Here's my hones confession. I did use my PTPTN for some weekend stress-free. I put some money for newly useful phone. I went for a movie (or more) and new clothes using my PTPTN loan. Yes I did. But I managed to pay all my educational bills, hostel, credit hours (so-called), some club activities and others which are necessary as well. Not even one I left out unpaid, including some ridiculous bills to pay such Buku Tahunan Kolej or something that I never receive for my three years in the college. I personally think I deserve to have that some part of my PTPTN money to buy me something useful for my stressful weeks. Oh, how stress it could be, right? Well, brilliant smart people, some of us do need something we call as entertainments. We need to run away for awhile from our books and notes. Or a little distraction from sadness, stress, peer pressures, club's crazy feedings, or might it just be something like homesickness. I don't really buy new phone if I really could use one I already had. But I bought one anyway because my existed phone didn't really friendly enough to call my colleges regarding my lectures and class for the next day. So yes, I bought one. Plus a laptop too. I think you know why laptop is necessary for a student right?
  • Seriously, I don't want this PTPTN to be free if we-- as referred to our beloved country, Malaysia, couldn't afford that. But I do really want that the money was spent to a better purpose than our "someone's" dress and jeweleries, or some trips cost some amounts than it should. Again, I read that reports too. Sadly.

  • So, don't give the craps that we can the elephants to eat when we throwing all the foods out for something unnecessary. Because I am all about helping the country, if the people that run our country helping us to. Started with being honest. And modest. People learn from the leaders. History proved that right!

  •  I want to stop writing this famous PTPTN story, though I have thousands of ideas and thoughts that might be still undone yet in this writings. I said what I meant. Here is a little advice for everyone: No one walk away from free givings, if it's possible. So, if it's not possible, prove that right! Everyone will not be dreaming over impossible things either.  

::shout box!::

"masing-masing Kami anugerahkan mereka itu dan mereka ini pun dengan pemberian Tuhanmu. Pemberian Tuhanmu tiada terlarang (kepada sesiapa jua pun)"