We are waving Goodbyes in February.
It’s a lovely month of February when I thought that it’s a month of fabulous things to happen. Before I could see all of these coming, I already hit by the sudden news of the letting them go. Everyone will take their turn leave-taking the workplace to another place they will thrive the life they own.
It started with Hamidun, for whatever reason he could say, he suddenly asked to quit his job and leave us all. It’s a mystery and we don’t really know why but to accept the fact he is quitting the day he told us that he’s going to quit. And then, there goes the story, the first good bye of February.
As the time pass through, Shafiq told me, about quitting his job too. He’s hesitated at first but then he gathered all of his courage to tell his supervisor about quitting the job, and as a penalty to it he offered his friend to replace his current position. And by the end of this February, he’ll not be here anymore.
Well, the story never get enough of loosing these two until Azhar told us an immediate news of his wife will be transferred to Kuala Terengganu to work with Jabatan Kesihatan Kuala Terengganu. And since his wedding is just around the corner plus the fully-packed tasks to be settled for his wife’s transfer, he asked for 24hours notice ending up the remaining one month contract he left. Yeah, another hero shot out from this terra firma of BT01.
Honestly, I’m feeling a little mix up with all these sudden “I-am-quitting-my-job-a.s.a.p.” that trending here. Feeling lost and denied. Feeling helpless and unarmed. Feeling alone.
A few days onwards, the emptiness started to call my focus out. Mr. Bad Mood darkens my routine. Hell, the works all are ruined. Thanks to me, lots of my works messed up. Okay, maybe I’m a little too much of exaggerating my points, but the fact is, I am having a whole sucking of nothingness in me. And this feeling reminds me of myself few years ago.
He is one of my best friends who happened to be the only one got to go to the same matriculation college with me. I was so glad we did to be together so at least I shouldn’t rush my butt off knowing people which I don’t really good at. But after awhile, he had been offered for a prep-class (A level) in KYUEM College as he would be studied overseas. The exact feeling I’d been felting that days was emptiness+disappointed+happy. I wished he might stay so I will certainly have friend like forever but at the same time I know that he’s leaving for good. So, I should be happy for him. And the hardest part is, it’s not so easy to feel happy and sad at the same time.
Life should go on. I and my life are here till now. So, I have to stay for my sake. And they will remain going to wherever place they should to further their dream, achieving what they ever wanted in their life. As a human, a friend, it’s completely normal to feel this kind of emotion but the path we all are walking through might have it separated into a few other ways. So, run through it everyone!
Good luck for your future undertakings! Thanks for everything, friends. I will always pray for each and every of you reaching for your dreams. As the days went by, we will always be friend. Forever!
belajarlah genetik. belajar t...ak semestinya menerima. byk yg bljr genetik mendekatkan diri kpd Allah. cuba baca buku Harun Yahya..See More