It's 357am, on January 15th when I woke up from a terrifying, horrible nightmare. Something ridiculous but of all, it's about how bad I've been and it's so-so-so frightening to wake up from this kind of dream. As I woke up, all I said is apologize and another apologize. I hate of being myself to be such an un-mannered individual. I wanna cry and ask forgiveness from all of people I made my mistakes to. I'm so sorry and I wish that I can make it better next times. To all of the ones that I've done something worse to, I'm really sorry and I'm really sorry. It's like my soul is punished for doing something bad like that towards some other people. I feel so bad and just hoping that I could do something on it while I know that I could not do so- I'm sorry and I hope I could turn the time back and then everything is never happen. I'm so sorry!

To those which were specifically there in my dreams and 'told' me how bad I've been, I'm so sorry.
One of them, my 'brother', himself.

"Lalu bangunlah ia daripada mimpi yang amat gerun. Menangis dan mengongoi kesedihan dan ketakutan akan kesilapan yang dilakukannya. Lalu muncul rasa sedar akan kelemahan dan kekurangan dirinya sebagai manusia. Berharaplah ia menjadi seorang yang lebih baik dan memohon ampunlah dia daripada tipu muslihat yang bersarang dalam perjanjiannya. "
To those which were specifically there in my dreams and 'told' me how bad I've been, I'm so sorry.
One of them, my 'brother', himself.
hey whats up?
hope you are okay there though..
be tough.
life sucks sometimes.
bro, brush out all those guilty n uneasy feelings~
live life happily~
leave, live, life--
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